Macroeconomic Advisory
We provide our clients updates on key economic developments and alert them to critical turning points in the Sri Lankan economy to support their decision making.
Our timely reports, presentations and other macroeconomic updates provide an independent view on macro economic outlook, and how these events can affect financial markets and their businesses.
While our key products are exchange rate and interest rate outlooks, our inflation outlook and related macro indicators also help our clients stay ahead of the curve and make crucial decisions in a timely manner.
While we have a track record of getting most of our views on these indicators right, we provide ranges helpful for planning and risk management in the face of volatile economic circumstances.
We also undertake varied commissioned research on the macro economy, often involving studying the relationship between macroeconomic or financial indicators and their impact on the business, sector or products of our clients.
The above services include economic write-ups for varied publications such as Annual Reports and analysing the impact of macroeconomic variables in industry feasibility studies.
Sector & Special Projects
We provide regular quarterly research on key sectors such as Banking and Financial Institutions so that our clients get an up-to-date risk and return perspective on these sectors.
In addition to the above, we also conduct more in-depth, commissioned research on individual sectors on request, including write-ups on sector overview for various publications such as company annual reports.
Information Curation Services
These services are driven by a core belief that time is our most precious resource.
Our mission is to provide clients with useful information; curated and delivered to them while it still matters, in a user-friendly format. Our team of ‘Time Twisters’ work around the clock to achieve this!
We produce both daily news updates and more focused newsletters related to specific sectors.
These cover a variety of topics that would be of interest to a diverse range of individuals, while eliminating the hassle of scouring newspapers and websites and going over mounds of irrelevant information.
Athena : One stop Online Reports Platform
Athena is an online platform that offers clients access to a wide range of our reports on various topics, including economic and sector reports.
With Athena, clients can easily access all reports from anywhere, at any time, through a user-friendly platform.
It's the perfect tool for investors, business owners, or anyone interested in staying up-to-date.