Trisha Peries, CFA
Head of Economic Research

Trisha currently functions as the Head of Economic Research services at Frontier, playing a key role in the development of its macroeconomic views catering to many of Sri Lanka's largest listed conglomerates, private equity funds, investment banks. She plays a key role in providing and executing strategic business decisions for the firm as well as leading initiatives to develop new opportunities within the economic product portfolio.
Trisha also functions as a Non-Executive Director at Hela Apparel Holdings (Pvt) Ltd and is also on the Board of trustees to the CEPA Development Fund.
While overseeing her 5-member team of research analysts, she also plays an instrumental role in providing short term trading calls of local government securities through the Trader’s Edge report series.
She has contributed to discussion papers released by the Advocata Institute on the subject of price controls in Sri Lanka among other working papers by recognized institutions on the export industry. She is also regularly featured in the media with her economic insights featured in articles in the Wall Street Journal, Nikkei Asia, Reuters and Echelon among others.